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DH Lawrence on Trees, Solitudes and What Roots Us
"A supreme challenge of human life is reconciling the longing to fulfill ourselves in union, in partnership, in love, with the urgency of fulfilling ourselves according to our own solitary and sovereign laws. Writing at the same time as Hesse, living in exile in the mountains, having barely survived an attack of the deadly Spanish Flu that claimed tens of millions of lives, the polymathic creative... posted on Jul 27 2020, 6,023 reads


The Fragrance of Prayer
"I was having some downtime in a high place. Having slowed, I could see how much a rushed life had whiplashed my body. When I'm caught in that frame of reference, everything seems whiplashed. Birds fly scattershot and even ants seem indecisive, irritable. The earth grows blurred because I grow blurred. The old rhythms, of course, persist. Things move fast, like larks or light. But none of it rushe... posted on Jul 26 2020, 4,924 reads


How Trauma & Resilience Cross Generations
"The new field of epigenetics sees that genes can be turned on and off and expressed differently through changes in environment and behavior. Rachel Yehuda is a pioneer in understanding how the effects of stress and trauma can transmit biologically, beyond cataclysmic events, to the next generation. She has studied the children of Holocaust survivors and of pregnant women who survived the 9/11 att... posted on Jul 25 2020, 6,850 reads


Random Acts of Kindness Education Workshops
We often think of kindness as something a person has, or doesn't. But kindness, like all actions and skills, can be taught and has to be practiced. The Random acts of Kindness Foundation has a workshop for doing just that!... posted on Jul 24 2020, 2,859 reads


Reduced or Realigned?
Right now life is reduced to the essentials: to caring for loved ones, finding food, getting exercise without being with other people, staying well, celebrating those who help and mourning those who have succumbed to illness. But let’s think of this as a realignment rather than a reduction. Lucky for us, being reduced to the essentials gives us the opportunity reconnect with who I am beyond... posted on Jul 23 2020, 5,749 reads


The Courage Way: Leading and Living with Integrity
"Leadership demands courage. You have to make good decisions while balancing inevitable tensions and knowing when to take risks. You need to keep your values in sight regardless of the pressures around you. At its core, leadership is a daily ongoing practice, a journey toward becoming your best self and inviting others to do the same. And that's where The Courage Way comes in. It's a guide to lead... posted on Jul 22 2020, 6,146 reads


John Lewis on Love & the Seedbed of Personal Strength
"Once in a generation, if we are lucky, someone comes about who in every aspect of their being models for us how to do that, how to be that how to place love at the center, the center that holds solid as all around it breaks, the solid place that becomes the fort of what is unbreakable in us and the fulcrum of change. Among those rare, miraculous few was John Lewis (February 21, 1940July 17, 2020... posted on Jul 21 2020, 8,998 reads


Talking White Fragility with Robin DiAngelo
"I grew up poor and white. While my class oppression has been relatively visible to me, my race privilege has not. In my efforts to uncover how race has shaped my life, I have gained deeper insight by placing race in the center of my analysis and asking how each of my other group locations have socialized me to collude with racism. In so doing, I have been able to address in greater depth my mul... posted on Jul 20 2020, 5,195 reads


Kate Raworth: Renegade Economist
"Kate Raworth is an economist. A renegade, maverick, rockstar economist. After graduating from Oxford University, she worked in the villages of Zanzibar with micro entrepreneurs, co-authored the Human Development Report for the UNDP and worked for a decade as a Senior Researcher at Oxfam. In 2017 she published her seminal work, Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist.... posted on Jul 19 2020, 8,218 reads


john powell on Othering & Belonging
john a. powell is one of the foremost public intellectuals in the areas of civil rights, racism, ethnicity, housing and poverty. Despite a distinguished career, powell spells his name in lowercase on the simple and humble idea that we are part of the universe, not over it. He has introduced into the public lexicon the concepts of "othering and belonging." For powell, "othering" hurts not only peop... posted on Jul 18 2020, 5,791 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Sometimes when we say a "broken heart", we are talking about a real broken heart.
Sandeep Jauhar

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